Want to Help?
We need your help. It takes a significant amount of money and time to get our message to the voters. Please consider a generous donation to our campaign.
Please note that we are required to collect and report the name of the contributing individual along with your address (city, state and zip code) for donations of $20 or more. Also, please note that individuals are limited to total donations of $75 or less. Joint account holders must donate individually when using PayPal - please fill in the "Individual donor name, if joint account" box on PayPal. We cannot accept donations from any person who is not a United States citizen.
After you click "Donate" you will be taken to the PayPal website. When you get there, please enter the amount you wish to donate in the "Donation Amount" box, and then complete the transaction using PayPal, making sure to enter your name and address for our required records.
Donations for Ross Cunniff for Council may be sent to:
- Ross Cunniff for Council
- 2267 Clydesdale Drive
- Fort Collins, CO 80526