- My Husband Ross is a Dedicated Leader
- Local Elections Matter
- First-time voter, longtime Cunniff fan
- Ross Cunniff is a Collaborative Leader
- The Honor is all ours that Ross Cunniff is Running for Re-election
- Cunniff has Integrity and Honesty
- Ross Cunniff Represents Citizen Interest
- Ross Cunniff has the Experience We Need on Council
- Re-Elect Cunniff for our Neighborhoods
- Past Council Member Supports Ross Cunniff
- Ross Cunniff is a Gutsy Leader
- Be Sure and Vote for Ross Cunniff
- Ross Cunniff Re-election Key to our Neighborhoods
- Ross is a Top Leader in Fort Collins
- Ross Cunniff Key Leader in Supporting our Natural Areas
- Ross Cunniff the True Citizen Voice
- A Vote for Ross Cunniff is a Vote for Natural Areas and Trails
- Ross Cunniff Gets My Support
- Ross Cunniff will keep Neighborhoods Safe
- We need to Re-elect Ross Cunniff
- Local Elections Matter: Vote for Ross
- Ross Cunniff—Head and Heart
- Ross Cunniff is Fair Minded and Ethical
- Ross Cunniff is a Collaborative Leader
- Ross Cunniff Works Hard for Us
- Ross Cunniff is the Citizen Voice
- Ross Cunniff Listens to Us
- Ross Cunniff is Accessible
- Ross is Committed to Fort Collins
- Cunniff: Best for My Neighborhood
- Ross Announces His Candidacy, 12/2/16
My Husband Ross is a Dedicated Leader
Jill Cunniff
I would like to tell you why I will be voting to re-elect Ross Cunniff for City Council in District 5. We have been friends for 38 years... We were friends for 5 years before we ever dated; I knew who he was! We’ve now been married for 32 years, raised our daughters and been blessed with a grand daughter. With all the things we’ve been through, we’ve always known we could face the joys and challenges together. This is a man I love, trust and know!
If I had to choose one word to describe Ross and what keeps him doing his best for his family, his job, and the City of Fort Collins, it would be dedication. His dedication to really look at what is going on... To listening and learning about how people are being affected... And working on ways to find solutions.
Ross chose to run for City Council originally for the opportunity to make a difference for people, and that is what he has done. The Council meetings are just a part of what he does, he holds listening sessions twice a month, he takes phone calls from people all the time with different concerns. Sometimes he can connect them with the right group or person who can help them. Other times he feels the need to go down and help carry bricks, shovel walks, or clear ice dams. That is what I call dedication!
Please join me in re-electing my best friend and husband, Ross Cunniff.
Local Elections Matter
Ross Cunniff
Local elections matter.
They matter for how safe we are in our neighborhoods and in the places we visit around town.
They matter for how well we get around our community, whether by driving, biking, walking or taking the bus.
They matter for our natural areas, our trails, and our parks.
They matter for a healthy economy and for how we treat the most vulnerable among us.
They matter for whether we breathe clean air and drink clean water.
Yes, local elections really do matter for our day-to-day lives.
That’s why it has been such an honor to be your voice on City Council these past four years and why I hope you will choose me to continue to serve you.
If re-elected, I will continue to speak up for neighborhood and community values and keeping Fort Collins a great place to live. Most importantly, I will continue to be a strong citizen voice on City Council.
Over the past four years on Council, I’ve stood up for our neighborhoods. I’ve worked for more livable designs of developments. I’ve improved neighborhood policies and their enforcement. And I’ve advocated for community interests rather than special interests.
For all the citizens of Fort Collins, I’ve taken a stand for open and transparent government, recently testifying to the state legislature in favor of a bill to modernize the Open Records Act. I’ve been a champion for our long-term sustainability, getting Council support for a new recycling center, protecting our natural areas and parks from inappropriate uses, increasing the number of trails, and supporting a free-flowing Poudre River.
And I’ve responded to citizen concerns and provided a voice for citizens whose voices can often be drowned out by moneyed, special interests.
If I am re-elected, I pledge to you that I will continue to speak out for safe neighborhoods, for a strong community, and for a healthy economy and environment. I will continue to meet problems head on, be honest and transparent, and work collaboratively to find effective, practical solutions.
I would be honored to have your vote.
First-time voter, longtime Cunniff fan
Adrian Kley
I participated in my first political campaign at age 3, from a little red wagon being pulled in the St. Patrick’s Day parade. I was supporting open space that year. Since that time, I’ve participated in many elections in a variety of ways — making phone calls to voters, walking door-to-door, and yes, even being in more parades, though walking or biking on my own.
Through all these elections, I was never able to vote, but that all changes this spring; I turned 18 in February, so I will be participating in our municipal election.
Growing up, my best buddy and neighbor happened to be a City Council member. Over the years, I observed as much as I could about the political happenings across the street, and these glimpses into the local political world left me with the conclusion that my neighbor’s work was a large component of the community’s well-being. When I need to get to school these days, it’s important that the roads are plowed. When I was playing lots of baseball, it was great to have well-maintained baseball diamonds. And on weekends when I went hiking and biking with my parents and older brother, having plenty of trails to choose from was awesome.
I live in District 5, so I get to vote for who will be our next City Council representative. I will be voting for Ross Cunniff. I’ve known him for about 10 years, and he’s a good guy — honest, trustworthy, a hard worker, and he has done a lot of work on the issues that are important to my family and me.
I want to urge those of you who also live in District 5 to vote for Ross too. He’ll keep this place we call home a great place to live.
Ross Cunniff is a Collaborative Leader
Doug Brobst
Dear Neighbors, when I mail in my ballot for the city elections, I will be voting for Ross Cunniff for re-election to City Council because I know he will support our neighborhoods.
Making neighborhoods safe and family-friendly plays a big part in keeping Fort Collins the wonderful city that it is. Ross has been a champion of protecting the livability of our neighborhoods and average citizens like us. He has years of management experience on Council, in business, and as Poudre School District board president in leading and bringing people together. His collaborative and pragmatic approach to leadership is critical to solve the complicated issues that exist in our City.
There is nothing that affects our day to day lives more than the quality of our neighborhoods. Please join me in supporting all neighborhoods; vote for Ross Cunniff for Council.
The Honor is all ours that Ross Cunniff is Running for Re-election
Mike Knowles
Ross Cunniff has said that it’s been an honor serving us the past 4 years as our Council member for our neighborhoods in District 5. Actually the honor is all ours as Ross truly cares about doing the very best for us citizens, not just here in District 5, but for the entire City.
Ross has always been readily accessible, either in person or by phone, to discuss any issue or concern one might have. These are not limited to complex and strategic issues in the City such as eminent domain problems, budget information, or providing better design standards, but also the “little” things that may not make the headlines of the paper, but make a big difference to us who live here. Ross has gotten street ice dams removed, unsafe trees trimmed, sidewalks repaired, streets plowed, property maintenance improved, and a pedestrian crosswalk installed near senior assisted living.
Ross is there for us for the big stuff and also the small. This is why I will be voting for Ross Cunniff and encourage residents of District 5 to do the same.
Cunniff has Integrity and Honesty
Jake Joseph
Ross Cunniff is running for re-election to City Council. I know Ross to be a person of high integrity and honesty, a champion for citizens, and simply a good person. I am honored to serve with Ross as a member of the Housing Catalyst Board of Commissioners where, even when everyone doesn’t agree with him, Ross always treats all parties with respect and is an incredible and considerate listener. This is a rare quality in the public sphere these days. He cares about things that I care about like friendly neighborhoods, a strong sense of community, and a healthy environment. As a Council member he has a great track record of working for government transparency and in helping those most vulnerable in our community. Ross has the unique ability to listen to all sides and has the leadership skills to bring us together. While it is impossible and not reasonable to expect to agree with any single elected official and the positions taken 100% of the time, we can and should hope to respect the integrity and truthfulness of our elected officials 100% of the time. This is something I have learned from getting to know Ross as a councilperson and a community member. Let us all listen better to each other and imitate the way Ross approached his responsibility to the residents of the City of Fort Collins—his neighbors and friends.
Ross Cunniff Represents Citizen Interest
Jeff Morisette
Fort Collins needs more city council representatives like Ross Cunniff. When it comes to maintaining a high quality of life, in a thriving community like Fort Collins, local elections matter! In this era of rapid growth, “larger” interests often prevail over the voice of everyday citizens. Yet, since representing our district on City Council, Ross has maintained close contact with the citizens he represents and has continued to put their concerns first.
Ross Cunniff has the Experience We Need on Council
Phil Friedman
Dear voters, let’s return Ross Cunniff to City Council for another term. He is exceptionally qualified with the experience, the expertise, the dedication and the proven leadership skills needed on Council. His commitment and service to this community extend from his presidency of the Poudre School District Board of Education to his extensive volunteer work with local charities to working for our open space efforts.
I have experienced Ross’s creativity and diligence firsthand when we both volunteered on several community efforts that have enhanced Fort Collins.
As a small-business owner myself, I appreciate Cunniff's commitment to our local business success. He is a proven and strong business leader with more than 30 years of experience. Fort Collins needs Ross Cunniff on Council.
Re-Elect Cunniff for our Neighborhoods
Rick Price and Paola Malpezzi Price
We highly endorse Ross Cunniff for re-election to Council for our neighborhoods in District 5. Ross is a proven and exceptional leader. He has 30 years of business and leadership experience—he’s been a director of software in a local high tech company; he has managed a team of 80 software engineers; and he has been President of the Poudre School District Board.
Ross is a unique individual with the capacity and skills to take on tough leadership roles. He has the ability to work well with people of diverse views and an ability to help a group achieve creative and practical results. Ross has been influential on Council efforts to protect our neighborhoods, ensure sustainability, and promote City government transparency. He has also championed recycling programs, helped secure affordable housing, is supportive of innovative local businesses, and has played a key role in expanding our natural areas and multi-use trails.
Fort Collins needs Council members with proven leadership skills to help our City solve complex problems. We need a leader like Ross Cunniff on Council.
Past Council Member Supports Ross Cunniff
David Roy
I am writing to support Ross Cunniff for City Council in District 5.
Ross is one of the most intelligent people I have ever met. He is a tremendously hard worker, and the ultimate family man.
His talents and interests are extremely varied, allowing him to deliberate on policy like few can. He is dedicated to both the present and the future of Fort Collins, working diligently on the numerous issues that affect, and will affect, the everyday lives of everyday people.
Ross has already rolled up his sleeves to work hard for your quality of life, supporting our families and neighborhoods, our environment, our open space and trails, and by holding your local government accountable.
Ross’s integrity, intelligence, vigor, vision and enthusiasm are all great reasons for you to support him in his bid for the District 5 City Council seat.
Ross Cunniff is a Gutsy Leader
Myron Hulen
Ross Cunniff deserves to be reelected to City Council! He shares the values that have led to making Fort Collins a great place to live. He is a substantive and gutsy leader who is not afraid to stand up for the interests of ordinary citizens. He truly is the Citizen Voice. He studies the issues and listens to constituents, and he understands the full ramifications of Council decisions. We need this guy on our City Council – please vote for him.
Be Sure and Vote for Ross Cunniff
Dave Davies
Be sure to vote for Ross Cunniff in District 5 this Council election. Local elections do make a big difference in the quality of our lives and a vote for Ross is a vote for someone dedicated to ensuring our quality of life is maintained here in Fort Collins. He has worked to make sure our government is fully transparent so we can easily get information about what is going on and how our money is spent. He’s made sure our design standards make neighborhoods more livable. He has worked to keep our neighborhoods safe and viable and helped us to maintain a sense of community. He’s also fought against special interests who would undermine our quality of life.
A lot depends on this election. Vote for someone who’s lived and worked here in Fort Collins for 30 years; who’s raised his children here; who’s volunteered here; who’s proven he is truly committed to our community and to us. Vote for Ross Cunniff.
Ross Cunniff Re-election Key to our Neighborhoods
Jacqui Zipser
There is no doubt for my family and my neighbors: we will vote to re-elect Ross Cunniff as our City Council representative. Because he is so popular in our neighborhood, there may be some who won’t take the time to vote, thinking that Ross will win without their support. That would be a mistake. We should not take anything for granted when it comes to our quality of life. Ross has and will continue to be a champion on City Council for neighborhoods, enabling our area to be so much more inviting, livable, and safe. We have been able to build and maintain a sense of community with his help.
Ross continues to work for us. He has opposed unfair eminent domain proceedings. He has helped secure better services for our District. He has made sure that City resources are spent in our older, central neighborhoods that are sometimes ignored. He has worked for transparency in government.
There is no question who will support our neighborhoods on Council — Ross Cunniff. District 5: If you want to keep our quality of life, please be sure to vote, and vote for Ross.
Ross is a Top Leader in Fort Collins
Scott Mason
Join me in support of Ross Cunniff for City Council for District 5. As a former City Council member myself, I understand the challenges and demands of the role--and I fully endorse Ross’s re-election. Ross has lived and worked in Fort Collins for over 30 years, and has been our City Council representative in District 5 for the last 4 years. His leadership and commitment on City Council have been outstanding. He has pushed for government transparency—ensuring that the City’s budget and other information is open and available for all citizens. He has helped drive efforts that help ensure the long-term sustainability of Fort Collins including championing recycling programs and establishing a new recycling center with expanded facilities. His leadership has been key in creating better City long term planning, support for innovative local businesses, strong historic preservation, and expansion of our natural areas and trails. District 5 couldn’t have a better choice; we all need Ross Cunniff on Council.
Ross Cunniff Key Leader in Supporting our Natural Areas
Michelle Grooms
If you support our natural areas and open spaces, then you’ll want to support Ross Cunniff for re-election to City Council. Ross has always been a strong voice for preserving and protecting our natural areas and trails. In fact, I first met Ross when we worked together on one of the City’s open space campaigns. Ross spent many personal hours working to ensure that our city and county could purchase and protect so many of the natural areas that we all enjoy today.
Thanks to Ross and other people like him, we now have Horsetooth Open Space, Devils Backbone, and Cathy Fromme Prairie Natural Area; we have Bobcat Ridge and Pine Ridge Natural Areas; we have the many miles of paved and non-paved trails for hiking, biking, quiet and peaceful walks; we have pristine vistas and habitat for animals and plants to thrive. These natural areas and trails are treasured and loved by Fort Collins citizens. It takes people like Ross to keep Fort Collins special, unique and truly one of the best places to live and to enjoy nature. Please join me in supporting Ross for City Council to protect our special and unique places, not just for today but for future generations.
Ross Cunniff the True Citizen Voice
Glen Colton
I’ve known Ross Cunniff for many years and am strongly endorsing him for re-election to City Council. He is hard-working, honest, and truly the Citizen’s Voice. We need a strong citizen voice on Council now more than ever. We need someone who listens to and represents regular people like you and me to counter balance powerful special interests. As a Council member, Ross has held open listening sessions at least once a month to allow constituents to ask questions, provide feedback, and discuss their concerns.
Ross has worked hard for livable design standards for development and to protect the integrity of the neighborhoods. He’s stood up to the powerful who seek special treatment that is detrimental to our neighborhoods, our quality of life, and the city finances. He’s worked hard to protect taxpayers and make sure that new growth pays its fair share of costs for infrastructure expansions in our growing city. Ross recognizes that our natural areas, parks, and trails are a big part of our community and has worked tirelessly on these before and after being elected to council. We are so lucky to have Ross on Council. Let’s re-elect him.A Vote for Ross Cunniff is a Vote for Natural Areas and Trails
K-Lynn Cameron
Join me in supporting Ross Cunniff for re-election to City Council. Most Council members tout how wonderful our trails and natural areas are. They know (even if they originally were against buying open space and natural areas) that our wonderful natural areas poll at 98% approval rating. As one of the founders of the open space programs in our area, I watch this closely.
However, Ross Cunniff not only supported the efforts to preserve and protect land for habitat and recreation from the very beginning, he worked on it. He personally spent many hours working on the programs to ensure our City and County could purchase lands for natural areas, and trails. Ross is a person who just doesn’t give lip service to an issue, he takes action. And his actions have helped our community be an incredible place to live. He will continue to protect our trails, natural areas, parks and all the features that we hold dear. Vote for Ross Cunniff for Council—we can depend on him.Ross Cunniff Gets My Support
Phil Leonhardt
I will admit I had been somewhat uninvolved when it came to local elections. Yes, I voted, but that was about it. I was too busy going to work, keeping my house and yard maintained, and spending time with my family and friends. And then, 4 years ago, my friend Ross Cunniff had to go and get himself elected to City Council. I discovered that many of the things I had counted on, on a day-to-day basis, were affected by City Council, specifically by my own City Council representative. Ross responds with immediacy and effectiveness to neighborhood calls about a pothole, a broken sidewalk, or an unplowed street. The trails my family and I count on for hiking and biking are there in part because of Ross’s support for natural areas and open space. The City’s recycling center has been one of the many projects Ross has supported. Ross was successful in adding new neighborhood services personnel for my district. He stands up for the things that keep our neighborhood safe and livable. So, this year, I’m doing more than voting; I’m asking you to vote too. Please join me in voting for Ross Cunniff for City Council representative in district 5.
Ross Cunniff will keep Neighborhoods Safe
Bev Marquart
I want to explain why I’m voting for Ross Cunniff for City Council. Why Ross Cunniff? Because he is the best candidate for keeping our neighborhoods livable and safe. My husband and I have lived in our home in central Fort Collins for more than 35 years. We raised our children here and now have grandchildren who enjoy this same neighborhood. The quality of this community is very important to us.
Ross Cunniff is a dedicated advocate for our community by proving himself over the past six years to be responsive to citizens’ concerns. For example, when nuisance problems arose in our subdivision, Ross Cunniff was there to help resolve issues quickly. He wants Fort Collins to continue to be a great place to live.
For the sake of our Fort Collins community, I urge you to vote Ross Cunniff for City Council.
We need to Re-elect Ross Cunniff
Cordelia Stone
I like sidewalks, parks, and neighborhood schools. I’m a fan of natural areas, trails, and the Poudre River. I appreciate local officials who respond to residents’ requests with immediacy and concern. You too? Then, if you live in District 5, you’ll want to support my friend, Ross Cunniff, for City Council. I’ve known Ross for many years and I feel so strongly about the importance of his being re-elected, that I’ve signed up to volunteer on his re-election campaign.
I know Ross to be a principled, open-minded, and hard-working individual, who is a caring husband, father, and grand-father. I have seen first-hand how much time, energy, and caring Ross puts in to his work on City Council. From the nuts and bolts of responding quickly to residents’ calls about a broken tree limb or a faulty sidewalk, to taking a stand for open and transparent government, Ross meets the issues that face his district head-on. He truly cares about making our neighborhoods better, keeping our natural areas healthy, and making sure Fort Collins remains a great place to live, work, raise a family, and retire. Please vote for Ross Cunniff for City Council.
Local Elections Matter: Vote for Ross
Nancy Tellez
Local elections really do matter – so please return your mail-in ballot to re-elect Ross Cunniff for City Council. I have known Ross for years. Our paths have crossed many times in volunteering for local organizations and serving the community. And I’m impressed every time we’ve worked together.
Local elections are important if you care about having safe and livable neighborhoods. They’re important to ensure we have clean and safe drinking water and clean air. They’re important for us to have a chance to enjoy our natural areas, trails and parks. They’re important for the type and strength of the economy we have. They’re important to ensure we have a strong and transparent local government that’s accessible to you. In the last 4 years on Council, Ross has fought hard for all these things and more that make Fort Collins such a wonderful place to live and work.
Local elections are critical so please join me in supporting Ross for Council. He gets important work done for all of us.
Ross Cunniff—Head and Heart
Trudy Haines
Ross Cunniff has a unique combination of head and heart—and that’s why I’m supporting him for re-election to City Council. I know Ross from the high-tech industry—people always nod knowingly when I say that Ross is the smartest person I know. He is a brilliant computer scientist, a director of software labs, an inventor, a business leader, and an entrepreneur. He applies this same fierce intellect to understanding the complexities of running a City government. He addresses the myriad of needs and wishes of our citizens and works hard to develop creative and practical solutions. He understands and supports local businesses and innovation in our community.
And people also nod in agreement when I’ve said, that Ross cares deeply about Fort Collins and takes our concerns to heart. He cares about our issues—not just with words, but with actions. He’s approachable and has held numerous listening sessions with citizens in the 4 years he’s served on Council. He cares about our quality of life and the livability of our neighborhoods. He has stood up to special interests that seek to profit while citizens pay the price. No issue is too small or too big. Ross has done everything from helping a citizen get an unsafe sidewalk fixed to serving on the Fort Collins Housing Authority board which provides affordable housing for our most vulnerable citizens.
Ross is a unique person of both the head and heart—a person we need on City Council.
Ross Cunniff is Fair Minded and Ethical
Jeff Blume
I am writing to encourage Fort Collins to re-elect Ross Cunniff to the District 5 City Council seat. I have known Ross, personally and professionally, since he moved to Fort Collins in the late 1980's. He is the most intelligent, ethical, and fair-minded person that I have ever had the privilege to call my friend.
In his term on the City Council, Ross has recognized that a healthy economy and a healthy environment are symbiotic, not contradictory. He has pushed to maintain our clean air and water. He has worked for alternate energy solutions that benefit both the environment and the economy. Off-year, local elections traditionally have low turn-outs. But it is important to get out and vote, because THIS IS WHERE WE LIVE. Vote to return Ross Cunniff to the City Council.Ross Cunniff is a Collaborative Leader
Dolores Williams
I respect Ross Cunniff as one of the most effective and collaborative leaders we could have on City Council. And it’s why I support Ross’s re-election. I have known Ross for a long time. He and his family have lived and worked in Fort Collins for over 30 years—and he’s volunteered for most of those years.
Our town faces many challenges and complex issues that are not easily solved. I have found that over the last four years on Council, Ross has shown he is a strong leader who gets things done collaboratively. He is able to bring opposing sides together to listen and come up with good solutions that are right for Fort Collins. He has utmost integrity and strives for fair and practical solutions for difficult problems. Ross is a person who follows through on commitments. He works hard and doesn’t give up no matter how difficult and complex the situation is. He is open and honest. Ross is simply a really good person—the kind of person you want as a neighbor and on Council.Ross Cunniff Works Hard for Us
Linda Stanley
Music to my ears. That’s how I feel when I hear children playing in our neighborhood.
For a number of years, in the early 2000s, we didn’t hear so many voices of children playing. Fewer families lived in our single family neighborhood. Poudre School District was considering closing schools in central Fort Collins due to a lack of students. But with lots of citizen work and the action of a majority of City Council, our single family neighborhoods in central Fort Collins became more inviting and more affordable to families. Blevins is thriving, as are other schools in these neighborhoods. The children’s voices have returned, neighbors gather outside to chat, and upkeep on homes is ongoing.
I like living in my neighborhood now; it feels like home. And that’s why I will be voting unhesitatingly for Ross Cunniff for City Council. He’s worked hard for those of us living in District 5, and I know he will continue to do so. He has earned our trust to continue four more years on City Council.
Ross Cunniff is the Citizen Voice
Eric Hamrick
It is my honor to endorse Ross Cunniff for re-election to City Council. I have served on City Council myself and understand the importance of local elections in ensuring our quality of life in Fort Collins. Ross is needed now more than ever to ensure we have a strong citizen voice on Council.
Ross has worked for neighborhood livability and safety. He’s worked for more livable designs for development, fought unfair eminent domain efforts, and worked to ensure our natural areas and trails are safe for us and our children. He’s worked to preserve the integrity and affordability of our neighborhoods and was successful in adding new neighborhood services personnel where there were gaps. He has worked to be a citizen voice to counter the special, moneyed interests that seek to profit while we citizens suffer the consequences. He’s worked to ensure resources are set aside for our older, centrally located neighborhoods that are often passed over by the City.
Join me in support of Ross Cunniff to ensure a good quality of life that’s so important to all of us.
Ross Cunniff Listens to Us
Michelle Haefele
I’m writing to urge residents in District 5 to re-elect our City Council Member, Ross Cunniff, on April 4. Ross listens to and responds to citizens’ input – I know from experience.
Ross has been a voice for the citizens of this district and the entire city for the past four years, consistently working to support safe livable neighborhoods, a clean healthy environment and well planned compatible developments.
Ross has also worked to ensure that our City government is transparent and that information is readily accessible.
Ross has been a leader during his time on Council. For example, he serves on the Fort Collins Housing Authority Board providing affordable housing to our most at risk citizens. He chaired the City’s ad-hoc Elections Committee improving code to deal with violations of the Fort Collins’ campaign finance laws. Outside of his council duties he’s been a volunteer for the Food Bank, the Science and Discovery Museum, the Debut Theater and other civic institutions.
He will be our voice on City Council so please reelect a proven leader.
Ross Cunniff is Accessible
Lloyd Walker
As a long term resident of the Rolland Moore West Neighborhood of District 5, please join me in voting for Ross Cunniff for re-lection to City Council. Re-electing Ross in our District will allow him to continue using his strong voice in support of issues which are of critical importance to neighborhoods: Safety; Livability; Responsiveness of City government; and continued environmental improvement of natural areas and trails. Through his support our neighborhood is healthy, stable, thriving and enjoying a great quality of life. Ross is honest, accessible and a collaborative problem solver. He has proven to be an effective City Council member these past four years and I and my neighbors appreciate his willingness to continue to serve, not only our District, but all the citizens of Fort Collins. Re-elect Ross Cunniff to City Council.
Ross is Committed to Fort Collins
Katy Mason
I urge you to vote to re-elect Ross Cunniff for Fort Collins City Council. Ross is committed to Fort Collins. Ross and his wife Jill have worked and volunteered in Fort Collins for over 30 years and I’ve known them for many of those years. They’ve raised their family here. Ross has worked tirelessly for us—not only as a City Council member since 2013, but also as a volunteer for the Food Bank, the Museum of Science and Discovery, Debut Theatre, and more. He’s worked on the open space campaigns that created our trails and natural area programs and served on the City Parks Board. He was president of the Poudre School District board of education. Ross has worked hard to ensure we have safe, livable neighborhoods. He cares about our community and has the dedication and commitment that we need from our local representatives.
Cunniff: Best for My Neighborhood
Paul L. Anderson
I was so glad to see that Ross Cunniff is running for re-election for City Council, District 5. He deserves another term. He has been a staunch supporter for protecting the viability of our neighborhoods. I live in the Rolland Moore West Neighborhood just southwest of CSU and Ross has always been there to listen and help keep our neighborhood not only livable but affordable to those families and groups wishing to rent. Ross brings a passion to being a member of the Council and reaches out to all of its citizens and is not beholden to moneyed, special interests. Ross was previously a president and board member of the Poudre School District and has volunteered for numerous community groups. Ross is committed to our community. Local elections matter. They can determine what kind of neighborhood you will live in. I'm voting for Ross Cunniff, District 5. I hope you will too.
December 2, 2016
Ross Cunniff, Fort Collins City Council Member for District 5, announced his candidacy for re-election today. “I want to keep working hard to protect regular people’s quality of life,” said Cunniff.
Cunniff is completing his first term as District 5 council member. He has been a strong defender of neighborhood rights, and has pushed for policies to protect and enhance Fort Collins’ unique character, including natural areas, parks, trails, open space, and historic landmarks.
The computer industry brought Ross and his wife Jill to Fort Collins nearly 30 years ago, and they instantly knew it was home. Their love of Fort Collins has led them to volunteer for many local educational, charitable, arts, and environmental causes. They have two adult daughters and one granddaughter. Both daughters are graduates of Poudre School District.
Cunniff has been employed at NVIDIA, a computer technology company, for the past fifteen years, and has over 30 years experience in the computer industry, including significant leadership and management experience. He served eight years on the Poudre School District Board of Education, including nearly three years as its President. In his spare time, Cunniff enjoys biking, hiking, stargazing, photography, and woodworking.
When asked why he is running, Cunniff said, “I want to continue serving the citizens of Fort Collins and protecting their interests, and I will keep holding city government accountable and open to its residents. Together, we can keep Fort Collins a special place to live.”